Training Culture

A healthy training environment should build you up, not break you down.


  • Safety is always priority 1 (please be aware of the restricted and forbidden moves)
  • Keep it at 80% or less
  • This is an informal club of equals, I'm not much into hierarchy
  • You're an adult, get water or go to the bathroom when you need to, wear what you want
  • Review the hygiene standards
  • Cross training is welcome and encouraged
  • You can ask anyone to roll, and you can refuse any roll you want to
  • We're a Globetrotters-aligned gym, those values have always resonated with me

Jita Kyoei - "Mutual Welfare / Benefit"

On Welfare

The first of the two core principles of Judo, I frequently remind students in my classes that taking care of the safety of our training partners is priority #1 in our classes.

You cannot truly learn martial arts without training hard against full resistance. But if you do not take care of your training partners, and they don't care of you, then your gain in knowledge and strength will limited by your injuries and time away from training. Empathy and kindness is itself a reason to care for each other, but even when optimizing for progress, it is essential that we care for our bodies and the bodies of those we train with.

In our physical training, this is how "mutual welfare" is typically manifested. It is worth noting, however, that Judo is a philosophy, not just a sport. It is a tool for development and growth. Mutual welfare as a core tenet, therefore, extends beyond the caring for our bodies, and to our whole selves and to the whole selves of those we train with. To learn Ju Do, "The Way of Yielding", the philosophy, is to study the methods of fighting and to extract greater lessons from them.

On Benefit

To develop skill in martial arts, one cannot train alone; we rely on skilled training partners. While we aspire to develop our own knowledge, we should equally aspire to develop the skills of those we train with. We share our bodies and our time, we give constructive feedback and guidance, we are helpful and cooperative.

In the beginning, you are a student, learning, accepting the generosity of others. Later, as you gain in skill, you spend more time teaching and sharing.

Through these acts, we develop the skill of the room we are in--and we keep in mind that the more skilled our training partners are, the easier facing others outside of our training room will be.

We also, through this training, learn how to be good members of our communities--not as a theory, but in practice, as a real lesson learned through experience.

Sieryoku Zenyo - "Best Use of Effort"

The second core principle of Judo is sometimes translated as "best use of effort", sometimes as "maximum efficiency, minimum force", etc.

Judo was, arguably, a response to a training culture that focused more on physicality. In competition and in self defense, physicality matters. Your speed and strength and reach and height will impact your outcomes.

This principle does not neglect physicality--if the best use of your effort is to gain strength, then you should. But in general, that is not the case. A man who has spent 2 years learning jiu jitsu can, generally, easily defeat a man who has spent many more years developing his strength.

In training, we specifically realize that our goal is to develop our techniques, not to 'win at all costs'. Something you will hear repeated in my classes is: If you won by using more strength, more speed, more force than your opponent, you didn't win. Match them or use less than them. Win on technique, because you are in this room to study technique. A focus on just winning, paradoxically, can cause you to get stuck and plateu.

In Practice

You should aspire to rarely push beyond 80% of your maximum pace during training. This is for several reasons, but the most important is that the closer you get to 100% effort, the less control you have to protect yourself and your partner from injury. Also, training at 100% leads to more intense emotional states; it's harder to accept a 'loss' when giving your all, for many. It is also harder to reflect and learn and study, to develop breadth to your game, when training at high intensity. Slowing down allows study, reflection, observation--we gain the bandwidth for a more present and aware mental state.

With submissions in practice, we should be willing to release a submission to protect our training partner from themselves if they lack the emotional maturity to admit their own defeat in the moment.

When thrown in practice, we should accept the throw gracefully--fighting midair to resist a throw, creating awkward throw dynamics, is far more likely to lead to injury. Accept the 'loss', and focus your effort on landing safely instead of on avoiding the 'loss' of landing on your back at all costs.

When being submitted, do not focus on escaping at all costs; if you can escape with clean technique, do it, if the only option left to you is substantially adding speed or force, tap. If you resist subs at all costs, you create a downward risk spiral where your opponents will start putting on submissions harder and faster to prevent your escape. The frustration will increase. Eventually, we aren't going 80%, we're going 90-100%, and injuries become far more likely. Take the tap, and ask yourself how you could have avoided it. If you want to work a deep-sub-escape, tap, and then ask your partner to hold the position and let you carefully study your options.

Forbidden and Restricted moves


  • Neck cranks, spine locks (boston crab, twister, etc.): position only, never chase the tap, only with experienced practitioners
  • Heel hooks: control, with care, with consent; if they don't tap, let it go
  • Smothering: frowned upon, be polite
  • Do not put your hands in someone else's face
  • No jumping guard, no slamming
  • Kani Basami ("scissor takedown"), Tani Otoshi: with extreme care, and only after getting coach approal
  • Ura Nage (suplex): with explicit partner consent; in general, just lift in the air and then set opponent back down and restart
  • Don't rip off grips violently in practice (leads to arthritis in finger joints)
  • If you are consistently unsafe, you will be removed from the club

I do not condone practicing with neck cranks and spine locks; these soft tissues are too critical to put through the wear and tear they would take in the gym. If and when we do practice these moves, we will tap very early, and practice them very carefully. Never attack these moves in full force. Heel hooks are fine, but again, do not apply these at full force in the gym; lock in the control, get 'check mate', and if your opponent taps (they should), great. If they refuse, seek to improve your control next time. I frown on smothering techniques; especially, touching the face with your hand is unkind and unsanitary. It is not allowed in Judo. It is not a very effective technique (I've never been submitted through it or through a setup it lead to). If you are preparing for a competition that includes any of these techniques, we will prepare for them in specific competition training.

When it comes to standing techniques, jumping guard is incredibly dangerous and should be banned from jiu jitsu tournaments. If you are lighter than your opponent and of a high rank, and with a healthy opponent, you may consider this technique at low speeds and with care; if you injure someone because you carelessly execute this move, you may be removed from the club. Similarly, for kani basami (scissor takedown) and tani otoshi, these moves can be done safely, but require a skilled practitioner. Slamming or suplexing should only be done with a partner that you have OK'd this with in advance; young, athletic men may be fine taking these kinds of falls, most other people don't want to. Assume your opponent doesn't want to, it is enough to lift them in the air to show you could have and then set them down.

For all of these moves, you must have my permission to do these moves, and have gone through a safety lesson on how to make sure these moves are done correctly and safely, and exactly how and why they become unsafe.

Aggressively ripping off an oponent's grips damages finger joints and leads to arthritis. Save it for competition.

Student safety is among our highest priorities. If you are consistently unsafe, you will not be allowed to continue to train here.

How I Teach

Foundationally, one of the great innovations of Judo is to realize that training should be primarily centered around sparring with a resisting opponent, but only to the extent that it can be done safely. This principle underlies my teaching methedology.

There is a fixation in the west on lecturing. This appeals to the ego of an instructor, who gets the pleasure of sharing at length all of the insights they have accumulated. While there is a place for lectures, humans learn best through doing.

In Judo, there is too often a clinging to tradition in teaching. In Jiu Jitsu, there is a lot of very low quality instruction that has been passed down. When teaching, I aspire to not merely teach as I was taught, but to take what worked, let go of what I see as less helpful, and to be sensitive and observe opportunities to improve as a teacher, based on experience and research. Some examples: I avoid traditional so-called 'warm-ups' and low quality calisthenic exercises, but instead use valuable class time for higher impact learning. We don't do shrimps at the beginning of every class. We don't spend ten minutes running in circles. We don't do pushups and jumping jacks. Instead, we do a few minutes of flow-rolling.

Teaching is focused on doing, not lecturing, to the extent reasonable. You will almost never do "dead drills" with a non-resisting opponent in my classes. Techniques take time to sink in, so you will see the principle of spaced repetition employed, as we review, and review, and review, class after class; too many schools are focused on a constant barrage of new, flashy techniques, instead of the reptitions over time needed to establish skills into the body.

While I encourage following your passion and interest and developing your own game in your spare time at all levels, Jiu Jitsu's white belt and blue belt are primarily about building broad and cohesive competence with all of the fundamentals of the game. Honing your pins, the quality of your transitions, your defense, and you submissions are what build the solid foundation the rest of your game is built on. In foundational classes, you will spend a lot of time working on a relatively small curriculum, spiraling and reviewing, going deeper and deeper, playing, experimenting, polishing, and testing your basic tools.

Likewise, in Judo training, you will learn to execute techniques first in isolation. Then, when their fundamental mechanics are absorbed, you will learn how to connect them to real world moments of opportunity, including in combination. Then you will learn strategy, creating and identifying opportunities. But as soon as possible, you should engage in randori, sparring, and learn all of the deeper lessons available through the constant feedback of a resisting opponent and your body's intuition, that words can never fully capture or communicate.

Playing with techniques we learn is important. Having fun is important--we learn better when we're having fun, and most of us do more than enough 'work' in our lives already.

If a student wants to train specifically for competition, I am happy to guide them on the path of nutrition, exercise, rules, strategy, mental preparation, and the more intense training needed for that purpose. But we do not treat every class like a competition class; schools like this burn through the bodies of their students, and it is not sustainable. I train for a lifetime of pleasure and wellbeing, and I teach likewise.

Formality, Hierarchy, Norms

Like much of Judo in Japan outside of the Kodokan, this is an informal club. As Judo is an international sport with a cohesive culture, if you attend gi classes, you will learn some amount of Judo formality you will encounter both in competition and around the world when visiting other dojos.

Otherwise: you are free to get water whenever you need it, and I will encourage it regularly. While I will not punish you for being late, our space in Woodland Park requires that you arrive on time, otherwise someone must spend a few minutes away from class to walk to the doors and let you in, so please be a few minutes early if at all possible, and notify us if you are late and on your way. You do not need to ask permission to step off the mats for personal matters.

I don't ask to be identified by any title, you can call me by my name. I am someone who can teach you some things, but we are both adults and equals--any respect you give me is because you choose to, not because I demand it.

You are free to ask anyone to roll (or spar), there are no weird requirements around not being allowed to ask a higher belt to roll. You are also always free to say no to a roll at any time, for any reason. Please do. If necessary, please notify me if someone in the club ever makes you uncomfortable.

Do not assume that just because someone is a higher rank than you, that you have permission to throw everything you have at them with full force. Even if they can handle it, that can take a lot from them; especially as we age, we have fewer and fewer rounds like that in us. Respect our bodies and care for the higher ranks just as you would anyone else. If you want a hard round, ask, but otherwise always honor the pace of your opponent.

For everyone, but especially in regards to women or those who are getting on in years, be inviting, but take care not to pressure them to a round. When rolling with someone else, let the weaker or smaller person set the pace.

My vision for this group is to not foster a culture of obedience, but a culture of empowered individuals. We're just here to support each other on a journey. Likewise, wear what you want. I don't have a gi to sell you, and you don't have to wear a club patch or rash guard. For the most part, you can wear whatever you want--just respect others in the space.

Respect the learning environment of others by taking care to not interrupt with noise or distraction.

Open mats are true open mats. Visitors are encouraged and welcome, both local and from afar. There is no charge for open mats.

Please, train and cross train wherever you want. I don't own you. If you're happy here, you'll stick around.


  • Hygiene is critical; come to class clean, without unpleasant smells
  • Stay off the mats if you are sick or have a contagious skin condition
  • Clean your training clothes after every class--they will smell terrible the second time you wear them, even if it seems like you barely broke a sweat
  • Avoid strong perfumes or especially intense detergents, as some people are sensitive to these
  • Avoid eating smelly foods in the hour before class, and avoid eating heavily before training
  • Come to class well hydrated; this will not only aid your training, but also prevent your mouth from smelling unpleasant
  • Please refrain from smoking or vaping before class
  • Nails must be trimmed, we have nail clippers to give away if needed
  • No bare feet off the mat, no shoes on the mat, no exceptions
  • If you're bleeding, it should be dealt with immediately; we have alcohol, bandage, and tape upon request